
Results are presented from experimental studies of hard X-ray (HXR) emission in the photon energy range above 20 keV from dense radiating Z-pinch plasmas. The work is aimed at revealing the nature of fast-electron (electron beam) generation during the implosion of cylindrical and conical wire arrays in the Angara-5-1 facility at currents of up to 3 MA. It is found that the plasma implosion zippering caused by the inclination of wires affects the parameters of the HXR pulse emitted during the implosion of a conical array. It is shown that HXR emission correlates well with the decay of the plasma column near the cathode in the stagnation phase. HXR images of the pinch are produced by the bremsstrahlung of fast electrons generated during plasma column decay and interacting with plasma ions and the anode target. It is found that the use of conical arrays makes it possible to control the direction of plasma implosion zippering and the spatiotemporal and energy parameters of the pinch X-ray emission, in particular the X-ray yield. For wire array with diameters of 12 mm and linear masses of 200–400 μg/cm, the current of the fast electron beam is 20 kA and its energy is 60 J, which is about 1/500 of the energy of the main soft X-ray pulse.

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