
Extended object tracking has become an integral part of many autonomous systems during the last two decades. For the first time, this paper presents a generic spatio-temporal Gaussian process (STGP) for tracking an irregular and non-rigid extended object. The complex shape is represented by key points and their parameters are estimated both in space and time. This is achieved by a factorization of the power spectral density function of the STGP covariance function. A new form of the temporal covariance kernel is derived with the theoretical expression of the filter likelihood function. Solutions to both the filtering and the smoothing problems are presented. A thorough evaluation of the performance in a simulated environment shows that the proposed STGP approach outperforms the state-of-the-art GP extended Kalman filter approach [N. Wahlstrom and E. Ozkan, “Extended target tracking using Gaussian processes, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,” vol. 63, no. 16, pp. 4165–4178, Aug. 2015] with up to $\text{90}\%$ improvement in the accuracy in position, $\text{95}\%$ in velocity and $\text{7}\%$ in the shape, while tracking a simulated asymmetric non-rigid object. The tracking performance improvement for a non-rigid irregular real object is up to $\text{43}\%$ in position, $\text{68}\%$ in velocity, $\text{10}\%$ in the recall, and $\text{115}\%$ in the precision measures.

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