
The framework of this paper identifies various areas affected by the contemporary art practice in cultural landscape. Artistic practice in the landscape introduces new experiences to spectators. The author of this research explores what kinds of places are created by the contemporary art and whether it contributes to making new places. The research examines the identifying process of some features in creating the approach of dynamic landscape, and is carried out in accordance with the methodology of analysis. An approach of critical spatial practice proposed by Jane Rendell is explored through understanding the trialectical thinking. The research incorporates three parts: the spatial, temporal and social being for understanding nexus between an artwork and its settings. Expression means of artworks are analyzed in making the spatial analysis and clarifying the main features of connection. Among other indicators, cognition, place conception, context, refuge, connections, experience and temporality have been studied profoundly to understand the factors possibly influencing the landscape change. Santrauka Staipsnyje pateikiamos įvairios kultūrinį kraštovaizdį palietusios šiuolaikinio meno sritys. Stebint su kraštovaizdžiu susijusią meno praktiką, įgyjama naujos patirties. Darbo autorė tyrinėja šiuolaikinio meno įtaką erdvėms kurti. Tyrimo metu taikant analizės metodą nustatytos tam tikros kuriamo požiūrio į dinamišką kraštovaizdį ypatybės. Jane Rendell pasiūlyta kritinė erdvinė praktika nagrinėjama per trialektinio mąstymo suvokimą. Siekiant suprasti meno kūrinių ir aplinkos santykį, tyrimas buvo atliekamas susiejant erdvės, laiko ir socialinį aspektus. Meno kūrinių raiškos priemonės analizuotos erdvinės analizės būdu, nustatytos pagrindinės kūrinio ir jį supančios aplinkos ryšio savybės. Be kitų rodiklių – gebėjimo pažinti, vietos sampratos, situacijos, prieglobsčio, ryšių, patirties, laikinumo – buvo išsamiai nagrinėjami galimi kraštovaizdžio kaitos veiksniai.


  • Cultural landscape, contemporary artwork and social construction form a basis for the semantic triangle of the main field of an on-going study

  • There is a potential for a landscape change model to advance

  • The aim of this paper is to explore certain features of the dynamic landscape approach by introducing three dimensions, which provides an opportunity to investigate the connections between a contemporary visual artwork and cultural landscape

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Contemporary artwork and social construction form a basis for the semantic triangle of the main field of an on-going study. The main theoretical framework for this paper is Jane Rendell’s (2006) extension of the “trialectics of spatiality” approach to space, time and social being. Rendell has borrowed this view from postmodern geographer Edward Soja (1989, 1996) and philosopher Henry Lefebvre (1991). Specific practice – both critical and spatial – is developed and, according to Rendell, defined as the “critical spatial practice”. Interdisciplinary discussions on the urban condition covering geography, anthropology, cultural studies, history, art and architectural theory form the terrain of “spatial theory”, which serves as a framework to contextualize and understand the space. For Lefebvre (1991), space is discussed in terms of a conceptual triad: spatial practices, representations of space and representational spaces.

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