
We develop stochastic spatial epidemic models with the competition of two pathogenicstrains. The dynamics resulting from different approaches are examined using bothnon-spatial and spatially explicit models. Our results show that pair approximation,well-mixed ordinary differential equations (ODEs), Gillespie-algorithm-based simulationsand spatially explicit models give similar qualitative results. In particular, the temporalevolution of the spatial model can be successfully approximated by pair equations.Simulation results obtained from the spatially explicit model show that, first, mutationplays a major role in multi-strain coexistence, second, mild virulence remarkably decreasesthe coexistence domain of the parameter space and, third, large-scale self-organized spatialpatterns emerge for a wide range of transmission and virulence parameter values, wherespatial self-organized clusters reveal a power law behavior within the coexistencedomain.

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