
AbstractThe Human Development Index (HDI) is an essential indicator to measure the urban community’s welfare. North Sulawesi is the only province with the HDI above the national index in Sulawesi in 2021 (73.3 over 72.3). The HDI level is calculated based on the aggregation of three dimensions; health seen from the life expectancy at birth indicator, knowledge which counted from the average duration of study and the expected duration of study indicators, and the decent standard of living represented by adjusted average per capita expenditure indicator. This study explored analytical method through the quantitative includes descriptive analysis, inferential analysis, the spatial regression method and GeoDa Software. The model to be used based on the spatial dependence test is the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) analysis. The results show that average of per capita expenditure of the urban dwellers caused a positive and significant impact on the Human Development Index in North Sulawesi Province.KeywordsHuman Development IndexNorth Sulawesi ProvinceUrban spatial analysis

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