
Fourth-order interference patterns of biphotons generated by type-I spontaneous parametric downconversion are examined for beams with partial angular and spectral entanglement, both for degenerate and nondegenerate constituent photons. Two-beam configurations using a single beam-splitter interferometer and a Mach-Zehnder interferometer are explicitly studied, as are four-beam configurations using pairs of beam splitters and MachZehnder interferometers. The interference pattern generally comprises a number of harmonic functions of the path-length difference with frequencies and visibilities that usually depend on direction, and may have a finite or infinite duration ~fourth-order coherence length!. The relation between the visibility and the spectral indistinguishability of the two beams is established. Certain components of the interference pattern are independent of direction so that they are not washed out by the use of apertures of finite size. @S1050-2947~98!09305-6#

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