
The new “post-February” economic reality will significantly affect the production and marketing policy of domestic enterprises in the copper sub-sector. In this regard, in order to formulate managerial decisions at the corporate, regional and federal levels, an objective presentation of value judgments about the forecast state of enterprises in the copper sub-industry in the short and medium term is necessary. The aim of the study is to assess and generate predictive data on the corporate state of organizations in the copper sub-industry based on the development of the theory and methodology of spatial-compositional assessment and medium-term forecasting, taking into account the results of current scientific research on the issues under consideration. The subject of the study is a set of theoretical data and methodological approaches to the essence of conducting a spatial-compositional assessment and predicting the corporate state of organizations in the copper sub-industry. The object of the study is the organizations of the copper sub-industry, taking into account the peculiarities of their financial and economic activities, as well as economic relations of this type of organizations in the sectoral, inter-sectoral and national economy in the new economic reality. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the author’s methodology of spatial-compositional assessment and forecasting of the corporate state of organizations in the copper sub-industry, which makes it possible to form integrated value judgments in a visual graphical representation. The most significant scientific results obtained by the author in the course of the study, which have scientific novelty, lie in the practical implementation of the theory and methodology of spatial compositional assessment and forecasting of the corporate state of organizations in the copper sub-sector in the new economic reality. The results of the study can be used both at the corporate level to formulate targeted tactical and strategic decisions, and at the level of regional and federal executive authorities for the purpose of forming a policy to minimize the negative impact on the functioning and development of the non-ferrous metallurgy industry of the Russian Federation.

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