
The giant vestimentiferan tubeworm Riftia pachyptila is one of the most abundant and ecologically important species at deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the East Pacific Rise (EPR). Clumps of R. pachyptila could indeed be viewed as one of the most frequent habitats for the fauna typifying the eastern Pacific hydrothermal vent sites and thus deserve specific attention, as their dynamics are likely to control the spatial and temporal evolution of numerous vent species. As a con- sequence, population structure and recruitment of R. pachyptila were studied from samples taken at different vent localities during 2 EPR surveys in 1996 and 1997. In 1996, 3 samples were collected within and between the hydrothermal vent fields 13° N and 9° 50' N to assess the spatial coherence of recruitment. In 1997, a huge number of additional specimens were collected at 9° 50' N from a single vent site at 3 successive dates over 22 d to determine how growth rate may affect the temporal vari- ability of population structure at a small spatial scale. Size-frequency analyses were performed using the vestimentum width as a biometric index. Inter-site comparisons revealed that size-frequency dis- tributions did not differ significantly within a vent field suggesting the synchronisation of recruitment locally (i.e. a few km). By contrast, population structure strongly differed between the 2 vent fields in response to local variations in time of larval supply and/or reproductive activity. The size-frequency histograms of the 3 samples collected in 1997 displayed a regular polymodal structure reflecting a discontinuous recruitment in time. The presence of a large number of small individuals attached to the tube of conspecific larger ones suggested that biological cues associated with Riftia may promote habitat selection by settlers. Differences between the modal vestimentum width of each population 'cohorts' from the 3 temporal samples were significant and could result from either a growth rate het- erogeneity in response to local environmental variations or to population ageing. According to this 2nd assumption, growth rate was estimated from the evolution of the 5 'cohorts' found over 22 d. Our data suggested that R. pachyptila exhibits: (1) a high yearly tube growth rate (estimated to about 160 cm yr -1 ); (2) a high individual mortality rate; and (3) a high population turnover, all of which are the characteristics of an opportunistic species.


  • The deep-sea hydrothermal vent fauna consists of dense benthic communities supported by high chemosynthetic primary productivity through endosymbiosis of a few key species

  • Inter-site comparisons revealed that size-frequency distributions did not differ significantly within a vent field suggesting the synchronisation of recruitment locally

  • The understanding of processes involved in the establishment and maintenance of benthic populations in such an environment has been recognised as a major goal of hydrothermal vent ecology (Tunnicliffe 1991), life histories of vent organisms remain poorly documented due to the lack of long-term data that arose from difficult access to deep-sea hydrothermal habitats (Tyler & Young 1999)

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The deep-sea hydrothermal vent fauna consists of dense benthic communities supported by high chemosynthetic primary productivity through endosymbiosis of a few key species. Discontinuous recruitment has been reported for most species studied to date including the ampharetid polychaete Amphisamytha galapagensis (McHugh & Tunnicliffe 1994), the alvinellid polychaetes Alvinella pompejana, A. caudata, Paralvinella grasslei and P. palmiformis (McHugh 1989, Jollivet 1993, Zal et al 1995), serpulid worms and the vestimentiferan Tevnia jerichonana (Jollivet 1993), mytilid bivalves and polynoid commensals (Comtet & Desbruyères 1998, Jollivet et al 2000). For Paralvinella grasslei, Zal et al (1995) hypothesised that tidal signal, which is clearly periodic in the hydrothermal ecosystem, is the most likely external factor coordinating the reproductive cycle of individuals within vent sites and fields. Comtet & Desbruyères (1998) suggested that recruitment of mytilid bivalves on the Azorean triple junction may be synchronised between 2 vent fields separated by a distance of 60 km, and proposed that pelagic fluxes could trigger the emission of gametes and/or the settlement of larvae

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