
Abstract The conspicuous colors found in many lizards transfer information about their owner’s characteristics that are relevant to mating and social systems. Female European Green Lizards (Lacerta viridis) have been shown to prefer males with high ultraviolet (UV) throat reflectance. Additionally, components of throat patch color (such as UV chroma and brightness) have been shown to be condition-dependent and to signal relative head size and health status. In this study, we investigated whether or not different components of male nuptial color and other relevant traits were associated with characteristics of male space use during the reproductive season at two different locations. In Site 1, lizard density was two times higher, territory size was one third as large, and spatial overlap between territories was about half as large as in Site 2. Males at Site 1 showed movement patterns consistent with a mix of territorial and floater individuals, with floaters exhibiting greater throat brightness. Those mal...

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