
Abstract Growth response of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. ‘Bragg'] grown in open top field chambers at five carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations ranging from 349 to 946 μLL‐1 and under two water regimes was examined. During reproductive growth, plants grown under CO2 enrichment exhibited increases in total leaf area and dry weight. Water stress inhibited growth at all CO2 levels, but the relative enhancement of growth due to CO2 enrichment under water‐stressed (WS) conditions was greater than under well‐watered (WW) conditions. Water‐stressed plants grown under 946 μLL‐1 CO2 were larger than WW plants grown under 349 μLL‐1 CO2. Reproductive yield increases were represented by increases in seed number rather than larger seeds. Although water stress reduced yield, the relative increase in seed number in response to elevated CO2 was greater for WS plants. Leaf tissue analysis suggested that a phosphorus deficiency may have restricted the seed dry weight response to elevated CO2. The mean relative growth rat...

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