
The Southeast Quadrant maps on display are the coordinated results of panel members from seven South American countries and from the United States plus the special and active participation of a number of geoscientists and institutions from many parts of the world. Geographic and Plate-Tectonic maps have already been published. The compilation of the Geologic Map has been completed and it is being processed for publication. Unlike traditional small-scale geologic maps, it emphasizes major tectono-stratigraphic units and their facies. These have proved to be the most useful mapping units and they provide the most significant background for the other maps of the Circum-Pacific Map Project series. The completed series will facilitate comprehension and correlation of the stratigraphic development between continents in terms of the sequence and chronology of major tectonic events. The surface sediment distribution is shown on this map as a 13-category classification, prepared by Floyd McCoy of the Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory. Land geology was compiled from the latest published maps, as well as unpublished information, and from maps compiled specifically for the Project by scientists from Venezuela (C. Martin, H. Bellizzia, C. A. Galavis, N. Pimentel), Colombia (H. Duque-Caro, J. Cruz), Bolivia (C. Salinas), and Peru (J. Lizarraga). Preliminary drafts of the Mineral Resources Map and the Tectonic Map are also complete. The former, compiled under the technical direction of Philip Gould of the U.S. Geological Survey, includes special contributions from various South American countries. It shows the geographic distribution of mineral deposits according to type, class, and size, on a simplified geologic-tectonic background. The relevant information for each deposits has been recorded and will be computerized. Suggestions from interested geoscientists are welcomed. End_of_Article - Last_Page 962------------

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