
The South Canyon Creek dolomite member of the Maroon formation crops out at many places from South Canyon Creek, which is 4½ miles west of Glenwood Springs, Colorado, northwestward for 22 miles. The thickness of the member ranges from 1½ feet to 6 1/3 feet. The member commonly consists of a basal unit of medium gray, very fine-grained dolomite; a middle unit of light gray to light buff, dense dolomite; and a top unit, 1 foot or less thick, of thinly laminated fossiliferous limestone having an undulatory or wavy structure, suggesting an algal origin. A preliminary study of the fossils collected from the member has yielded a tentative list of 24 forms, comprising 19 pelecypods, 2 scaphopods, and 3 gastropods. The fauna appears to be a Permian one of Phosphoria age

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