
The pre-Alpine basement of the Lower Danubian nappes in the South Carpathians is made up of two Precambrian terranes (Drăgşan and Lainici-Păiuş) that were intruded by Pan-African/Cadomian and Variscan granitoid massifs. We focus on the major and trace element geochemistry (1) in the Drăgşan terrane, of the Variscan Retezat and Parâng intrusions; (2) in the Lainici-Păiuş terrane, of the Variscan Furcǎtura, Petreanu and Frumosu intrusions and of the Pan-African Vârful Pietrii, Şuşiţa and Olteţ granites and granitic leucosomes of migmatites; and (3) in the Upper Danubian nappes basement, of the Variscan Muntele Mic, Sfârdin, Cherbelezu and Ogradena intrusions. For each intrusion, in which a range of composition is observed, we decipher the differentiation mechanisms (fractional crystallization, hybridization, melt laden with restite minerals, etc.) in order to define the parental liquid compositions. The latter are calc-alkaline to alkali-calcic (except Olteţ that is calcic) and medium to high-K in composition. With [La/Yb]N>10 and Sr/Y>15, most melts display the so-called “continental adakite” affinities. The parental melt compositions are compared with experimental data to determine the melting conditions and the nature of the source rock. When the P-T conditions can be estimated, the temperatures range between 850°C and 875°C and the pressure between 5 and 15kbar regardless of the ages of the granites and the terrane in which they have intruded. The source rock composition is dominated by a variety of mafic igneous compositions or metasediments rich in volcanic components. Clay-rich (pelitic) protoliths have not been identified. We confirm a Variscan age (c. 300Ma) for the Frumosu intrusion granite and inherited Precambrian ages (c. 1.7–1.9 and 2.6–2.9Ga) for the Motru dyke swarm. Thus, both Drăgşan and Lainici-Păiuş together with the Upper Danubian basement terranes were affected by Variscan post-collisional granitic plutonism. In the South Carpathians, both Pan-African and Variscan granites were generated in a crust thickened by stacking of terranes. The source of the Pan-African granites in Lainici-Păiuş is different from that of the Variscan granites (from Lainici-Păiuş and Drăgşan terranes and from the Upper Danubian nappe basement), but all these sources were notably depleted in metapelite component.

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