
The subject upon which I am about to offer a few remarks is one of deep interest to the Colliery Proprietors and the mining population generally of this neighbourhood. And I feel sure you will excuse me if I occupy a few minutes of your valuable time this afternoon in noticing some facts and observations recently made on this subject at the Oaks Colliery and elsewhere. Anything relating to this ill-fated Colliery is doubly interesting at the present time, since within the last few days some of the bodies of the volunteers, who so nobly rushed into this fiery mine ten months ago, in order, if possible, to aid, succour, or rescue their fellow men from a dreadful and almost certain death, have at length, after overcoming many difficulties, been recovered, brought to the surface, identified, and interred, which is no small degree of satisfaction to their sorrowing relatives and friends. Those in the town of Barnsley, who last Sunday and Monday witnessed the funeral processions, accompanied by the widows, orphans, and survivors of the Oaks explosion, as they passed slowly through the streets which were lined with spectators, will not readily forget the solemn impression then made, the sight of the numerous train of widows brought tears into many eyes. On the latter day the shops lining the principal thorough-fares were closed, and business suspended. FIRE DAMP. Fire Damp, Marsh Gas, Pit Gas, or Light Carburetted Hydrogen, Symbol C H 2; sp. gr., .552.100 cubic inches weigh 17.12 grains.

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