
The permeability of pollen grains, pollen tubes and generative cells of Helleborus foetidus and Galanthus nivalis has been investigated using four probes spanning a wide range of molecular weights: 4,6-diamidino-2-phenyl indole (DAPI; mol.wt. 350). Evans blue (mol.wt. 960), FITC-dextran (average mol.wt. 19400) and FITC-albumin (average mol.wt. 67000). DAPI penetrated into the vegetative cells of desiccated and hydrated pollen, and also entered growing pollen tubes. In contrast, the generative cells of hydrated pollen and of pollen tubes were highly resistant to penetration, as they were when isolated in osmotically balancing medium. Evans blue failed to enter intact generative cells under any of the conditions tested. The dye ultimately entered the vegetative cells of some pollen grains, but these were non-germinable. Growing pollen tubes invariably resisted penetration. Neither of the high molecular weight conjugates entered germinable pollen grains or intact pollen tubes. The results suggest that it is highly unlikely that DNA fragments of high molecular weight can enter viable pollen, pollen tubes or generative cells under any normal conditions.

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