
Hadronic mechanics, initiated by Ruggero Maria Santilli, has established a systematic and extensive scientific treatment of matter vs. anti-matter as well as positive vs. negative energy, and positive vs. negative time on an equal footing in theoretical physics, also referred to as with scientific democracy. This represents a radical progression compared to the situation in conventional quantum mechanics and relativity theory. Some predictions from this treatment seem recently to have received important support from independent research and experiment. In recent times there has been developed other quite sophisticated theories of physics Kozyrev, Rowlands, Pitkanen, more or less complementary to hadronic mechanics, that also treat matter vs. anti-matter on an equal ontological footing. In the case of Kozyrev's causal mechanics it is interesting that also this theory, just as what is the case for hadronic mechanics, has become supported by break-throughs into potent novel technology. Thus, judged from forefronts of modern physics and technology, the notion of a twin in ancient mythology has become quite reestablished as the truth of the issue. With respect to the laws of thermodynamics this notion suggests a simple solution of the old riddle of how the universe can feed itself, by conceiving the energy outflow from one moiety to represent the inflow to the other by switching sign and by this constituting overall nil potency. At the same time this notion poses some intriguing new questions which also seem to be quite basic questions of philosophy and ontology. The article explores some of these far-reaching issues from the framework of hadronic hypermechanics. It is acknowledged that these are not merely questions of concern for hermetic philosophy or for theoretical exercises in physics and astrophysics, but somewhat urgent matters, among these: the technological challenge of how to detect incoming celestial bodies of anti-matter.

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