
Purpose. The establishment of the essence of many dynamic phenomena and the prediction of peak loads, both during the design or reconstruction stages of HPT mills and their operation using advanced calculation methods remain relevant. Methodology. An engineering technique to simplify a developed dynamic model is proposed, which includes the combination and development of known techniques. In addition, active mechanical connections in the original dynamic model of an HPT mill are identified, causing the pronounced parametric processes in the system under study. Findings. The study of the dynamics of simplified two-mass models of the HPT mill with combined parameters and periodically changing mass characteristics has been carried out. A differential equation of parametric oscillations in the drive power line has been compiled. The solution to the differential equation allows us to estimate the dynamic displacements of the considered drive of the working stand of the HPT mill for the most common modes of vibration of the mechanical system. Since the differential equations (8) are present in the formulation of the basic Cauchy problem, we implement the solution numerically, using the Runge - Kut method in the medium of a standard software product, for the most common first form of oscillations of a mechanical system. Originality. Dynamic features of the operation of the drive of the working stand of the HPT mill are presented in the form of angular displacements of the drive shaft of the mechanical system. The dynamics of the drive drive of the working stand of the HPT, 32-3 mill are calculated (pipe rolling along the route 38×3.8 → 19.1×2.1, material – steel Х18Н10Т). Practical value. The causes of the appearance of parametric oscillations in the drive system are identified and dynamic instability zones of the mechanical drive system of the HPT mill is installed, which allows for the selection of optimal rolling conditions at the design stage of technological processes. Keywords: cold rolling, pipe, mill, power line, main drive, dynamic model, simplified design scheme, mathematical model, parametric oscillations, differential equation, angular oscillations, dynamic instability.

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