
For a plain vanilla call and three of the more popular exotic (path-dependent) types of options, this study examines the impact of symmetric and asymmetric GARCH processes in returns. The price, delta and gamma of European call options, Black–Scholes implied volatilities and convergence of these factors are all studied, through a simulation of price paths. For comparison, we ensure that the unconditional volatility of each process is identical. The impact of a standard symmetric GARCH volatility structure on the option parameters is usually to bias price and delta downwards, but to bias gamma upwards, sometimes quite considerably. Asymmetric GARCH effects exacerbate this effect, and it varies across the different options. GARCH effects appear not to induce a smile. Finally, as time to maturity shortens, at-the-money call prices and deltas converge slowly but gammas can change wildly when GARCH effects are added.

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