
Optic centers of insects were the object whose study provided A.A. Zavarzin with the idea of par� allelism of histological structures. In Zavarzin’s point of view, the nervous apparatus of vision or� gans of the dragonfly of the genus Aeschna can be ascribed to the part of the nervous system that cephalizes the trunkate brain and the visceral ner� vous system [1]. Zavarzin studied neuronal relations of all three optic ganglia of each animal side [2, 3]. Connec� tions of these structures between each other have remained unstudied. The last instar larvae of the dragonfly Aeschna grandis, before alating, were injected with a syringe with 0.06% methylene blue in 0.75% NaCl through the extremity of the second leg pair. To prevent leak of the methylene blue solution, a ligature was placed on the leg. After 1 h the animals were dis� sected, the CNS was rapidly removed and fixed in 16% ammonium molybdate for 16 h. The material was washed out, dehydrated with absolute ethanol, and cleared in xylene. The total preparations were

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