
Objectives. The extraction and separation of rare-earth metals is a complicated process that requires a multidisciplinary and detailed investigation. Liquid-liquid extraction with the use of surfactant, along with the thermodynamic analysis of the parameters is considered a promising approach. The extraction and separation of rare-earth metals from low-concentration solutions represents an attractive research opportunity. The extraction of europium(III) from nitric acid solutions in the form of dodecyl sulfates has been experimentally studied. This work focuses on the study of fundamental and alternative sources of rare-earth metals and their extraction and separation.Methods. The extraction was performed on a top drive ES-8300 D equipment for 30 min at about 700 rpm. Infrared spectroscopy (Nicolet 6700 spectrometer) was used to determine the type of salts extracted into the organic phase. Extraction was studied in solutions with single cations and with a combination of the target element and interfering cations. For the latter, the concentrations of extracted elements in the aqueous phase were determined by optical emission spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma on an ICPE-9000 (Shimadzu) spectrometer. The spectrometer was calibrated using standard samples for ICP CertiPUR (Merck).Results. The dependence of the distribution and separation coefficients of rare-earth metals during extraction on the pH value of the aqueous phase at equilibrium was investigated. Moreover, the form in which the elements are extracted was analyzed based on thermodynamic parameters. The minimum concentration of the target component in the aqueous phase was observed at pH 4.0. In general, the dependence of the distribution coefficient on the pH value of the medium is poorly expressed over the entire range of the pH range of the water phase. Based on the spectra of spent and pure isooctyl alcohol, it was concluded that europium dodecyl sulfates are extracted into the organic phase as Eu(C12H25OSO3) 3 solvates.Conclusions. The extraction of europium(III) from nitric acid solutions in the form of dodecyl sulfates was demonstrated. The advantages of the proposed method are the possibility of selective extraction of the target component from dilute solutions and the use of an easily available surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfate). The efficiency of extraction of europium dodecyl sulfates was maximal in the pH range from 2.0 to 7.5, which reflects a weak dependence on the acidity of the aqueous phase. In addition, in the highly alkaline pH region, the extraction efficiency is reduced.


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Жидкостная экстракция европия(III) из техногенных растворов с использованием поверхностно-активного вещества. Инновационной идеей научного исследования является применение экстракционного метода для извлечения и разделения редкоземельных металлов из низкоконцентрированных растворов. Экспериментально изучен процесс извлечения европия(III) из азотнокислых растворов в форме додецилсульфатов экстракцией. Получены зависимости коэффициентов распределения и разделения редкоземельных металлов в процессе экстракционных процессов от величины рН равновесной водной фазы с установлением и термодинамическим обоснованием формы извлекаемых соединений. Экспериментально показана возможность извлечения европия(III) из азотнокислых растворов в форме додецилсульфатов экстракцией. Преимуществами предлагаемого метода являются возможность избирательного извлечения целевого компонента из Жидкостная экстракция европия(III) из техногенных растворов. Эффективность извлечения додецилсульфатов европия при экстракции максимальна в исследуемом диапазоне рН от 2.0 до 7.5, что отражает слабую зависимость от кислотности водной фазы.

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