
Yamahai-brewed sake, a Japanese alcoholic beverage brewed from rice and produced via natural lactic acid fermentation, has a complex and rich flavor compared with Sokujo-brewed sake, brewed with a general method using pure lactic acid. This study aimed to characterize the aroma compounds in Yamahai-brewed sake using solvent-assisted stir bar sorptive extraction (SA-SBSE) with gas chromatography–olfactometry/mass spectrometry (GC-O/MS) and to confirm the enhanced sensitivity of GC-O/MS with SA-SBSE compared with SBSE alone. SA-SBSE with GC-O/MS increased the number of detected odor-active compounds and improved the FD factor sensitivity of Yamahai-brewed sake. SA-SBSE-GC–MS analysis of three pairs of Yamahai-brewed and Sokujo-brewed sake showed higher polar aroma compound content in Yamahai-brewed sake with a low rice polishing ratio. Quantification of 11 characteristic aroma compounds with a wide range of log Kow values revealed that several compounds, including ethyl mandelate, ethyl 2-hydroxy-4-methylvalerate, and the newly identified γ-6-(Z)-dodecenolactone, were more abundant in Yamahai-brewed sake.

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