
The solution structure of the duplex formed by the association of the unnatural oligonucleotide alpha-d(TCTAAAC) with its natural and parallel complementary sequence beta-d(AGATTTG) was investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and constrained molecular mechanics calculations. The structure was refined on the basis of interproton distances determined by NOE measurements for a series of mixing times. The NOE values were converted to distances by using the complete 134 x 134 relaxation matrix including all proton dipole-dipole interactions and spin diffusion. The computation of the relaxation matrix requires the Cartesian coordinates of the oligonucleotide, which are not known, a priori. To avoid this ambiguity, we used an iterative procedure in which the new distance constraints are obtained by using the complete relaxation matrix calculated from the previous structure. After three iterations, the process converged. The unnatural duplex alpha-d(TCTAAAC)-beta-d(AGATTTG) adopts in solution a right-helical structure with Watson-Crick base pairing, an anti conformation on the glycosyl linkage on the beta-strand, a syn conformation on the alpha-strand, and a 3'-exo conformation of the deoxyriboses for both sugar anomers. The three-dimensional structure obtained allowed us to describe the local heterogeneity of the duplex.

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