
We present the first design and analysis of a solid-state Mamyshev oscillator. We utilize the phase-mismatched cascaded quadratic nonlinear process in a periodically poled lithium niobate waveguide to generate substantial spectral broadening for Mamyshev mode locking. The extensive spectral broadening bridges the two narrowband gain media in the two arms of the same cavity, leading to a broadband mode locking not attainable with either gain medium alone. Two pulses are coupled out of the cavity, and each of the output pulses carries a pulse energy of 25.3 nJ at a repetition rate of 100 MHz. The 10 dB bandwidth of 2.1 THz supports a transform-limited pulse duration of 322 fs, more than 5 times shorter than what can be achieved with either gain medium alone. Finally, effects of group velocity mismatch, group velocity dispersion, and nonlinear saturation on the performance of Mamyshev mode locking are numerically discussed in detail.

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