
The present investigation of solid-liquid contact combustion was undertaken in order to discuss the mechanism of combustion reaction, using both the solid fuel that the fine powder of Sodiumamide is dispersed in Paraffin or Naphthalene as a binder and the liquid oxidizer of fuming Nitric acid. Ignition delay period and linear burning rate were measured with photodiode and combustion apparatus of pool type respectively. On the basis of analysing experimental results, the probable mechanism are summerized as follows.1) Some differences of mechanism between Paraffin and Naphthalene system are confirmed. Accordingly, ignition delay period and burning rate are changed complicatedly.2) The relationship between ignition delay period τi (msec) and Sodiumamide con-tent x (‰) is given by the expression, τi=Ae-Bx, where A and B, empirical constants, are 50 and 0, 01 in the case of apparatus 1.3) The rate determining step of combustion reaction is the diffusion through the fused zone exsisting in front of the burning surface.4) The burning rate is related closely with the inclination of combustion pool and is in direct proportion to the 0.6-1.0th power of flow rate of oxidizer at the region of lower flow rates, independently of other factors. While the rate at the higher region is constant approximately, independently of flow rates.5) The amount of residual Paraffin is determined experimentally, while it is also calculated theoretically on some assumptions related with combustion mechanism.

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