
Differential emission measures (DEMs) during the impulsive phase of solar flares were constructed using observations from the EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) and the Markov-Chain Monte Carlo method. Emission lines from ions formed over the temperature range log T = 5.8 - 7.2 allow the evolution of the DEM to be studied over a wide temperature range at 10s cadence. The technique was applied to several M- and X-class flares, where impulsive phase EUV emission is observable in the disk-integrated EVE spectra from emission lines formed up to 3 - 4 MK, and we use spatially-unresolved EVE observations to infer the thermal structure of the emitting region. For the nine events studied the DEMs exhibited a two component distribution during the impulsive phase, a low temperature component with peak temperature of 1 - 2 MK, and a broad high temperature one from 7 - 30 MK. A bimodal high temperature component is also found for several events, with peaks at 8 and 25 MK during the impulsive phase. The origin of the emission was verified using AIA images to be the flare ribbons and footpoints, indicating that the constructed DEMs represent the spatially-average thermal structure of the chromospheric flare emission during the impulsive phase.

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