
Russian wildrye [Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch.) Nevski] is an important cool‐season forage grass for the Northern Great Plains, but it exhibits poor seedling vigor. Tetraploid (2n=4x=28) plants have improved seedling vigor over diploid (2n=2x=14) plants, but data is lacking on plant‐soil‐water relations. Objectives of this research were to compare water‐use efficiency (WUE), evapotranspiration (ET), roofing activity, and water extraction in relation to Haun stage for diploid and tetraploid Russian wildrye. A diploid and tetraploid entry were evaluated for 3 yr under two water treatments (50 and 150% of monthly average precipitation for 1 April to 1 November) and two fertilizer rates (10 and 134 kg N ha−1) in a rain shelter. The soil was a Parshall fine sandy loam (Coarse‐loamy, mixed, superactive, frigid Pachic Haplustoll). Cumulative ET averaged across the 50 and 150% water treatments was 138 and 141 mm for the diploid and tetraploid, respectively. Rate of root activity progression was linear with Haun to the 1.2‐m depth and ranged from 0.148 to 0.163 m per Haun stage for the diploid and tetraploid, respectively, at 50% water. Forage yield of the tetraploid was greater than the diploid at the 50%, but not at the 150% water treatment. Water‐use efficiency was higher for the tetraploid (3.8 g kg−1) than the diploid (3.1 g kg−1) at the 50% water treatment, but at 150% water the entries were not different. Overall, the tetraploid entry exhibited a more favorable WUE and other soil water relations than did the diploid entry.

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