
Preferential flow in soil causes rapid movement of chemicals and contamination at the tile-line level. Soil structure and flow rate effect on transport velocity of MoO 4 2−, H 2AsO 4 −1, and Cr + 3 was assessed for three soils differing in vadose structure. Triplicate, 50 cm long, 35 cm diameter field soil columns of Lamellic Hapludalf, Typic Udorthent, Typic Hapludalf from southwestern Germany were obtained. The metals solute prepared in 3.5 mM LiCl was applied as pulse, and flushed with synthetic rainwater of pH 5.5 at constant flow rates generated by + 10, −10, and −40 mm water heads at the column surface. The tracers' breakthrough data were fitted to a convective–dispersive flow equation with mobile and immobile soil water partition. Additionally, blue dye was rained on site, and X-ray tomography of one representative column from each soil was carried out to identify preferential flow paths in the field soils. Lamellic Hapludalf (sandy loam) had a dominantly massive structure, and blue dye flowed as vertical fingers. Typic Udorthent (silt loam) had well-connected macropores, and dye moved as macropore flow with radial diffusion. Typic Hapludalf (silty clay) had well-connected pores throughout the profile, and dye moved the deepest with smallest dyed area. Chloride moved sampling 0.30 to 0.33 fraction of porosity in the massive soil irrespective of flow rate; and depending on flow rate, it moved through only 0.05 to 0.15 fraction of porosity in the structured silt loam/silty clay soil columns. MoO 4 2−, H 2AsO 4 −1 and Cr + 3 leached as fast as Cl −1 under ponded flow and with large retardation under unsaturated flow suggesting macropore flow of the adsorbing solute in the well-structured soils. The massive soil effectively retained H 2AsO 4 −1 and Cr + 3 but allowed MoO 4 −2 to leach at all the flow rates. Retardations of the absorbing tracers were in the order of Cr + 3 > H 2AsO 4 −1 > MoO 4 −2 > Li + 1 . Depending on soil structure, the effective porosity and retardation increased, and dispersion decreased with reduced flow rate. The study concludes that strongly graded, coarse to medium angular/prismatic soil peds allow adsorbing solute to leach at reduced flow rate, and the field description of soil structure helps discern areas where preferential flow can potentially cause subsoil contamination.

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