
1. Soft tissue management is very important because abundant soft tissue tend to be sagged after mandible reduction surgery. As a result, the effect of mandible contouring can be diminished. 2. We have applied various lifting procedures such as laser-assisted liposuction, absorbable barbed thread lifting, nonabsorbable elastic thread lifting, and face lift. 3. In practice, according to careful evaluation of the patients’ soft tissue status, surgeon should choose the most suitable lifting procedures. 4. Laser-assisted liposuction cannot only improve contour by effective liposuction in the face and neck area but also facilitate more effective thread lifting by reducing the weight of soft tissue to be lifted. But caution is required because laser can cause thermal damage to important anatomic structures, such as the nerve, vessels, and salivary glands, and too much suction can cause surface irregularity. 5. Barbed thread lift is a minimally invasive lifting modality which is well known for its efficacy and limitations. It is easy to apply and absorbable materials cause less resistance from patients. But its early recurrence rate and minimal efficacy are main limitations of this procedure. 6. Elastic lift is a good alternative to barbed thread lift. Its advantages include longevity, elasticity, impalpability, and easy removal. But it also has limitations that some patients fear of nonabsorbable material placement, and it requires more time for surgeon to be skilled.

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