
The following study presents a brief overview of the linguistic situation in four Bulgarian towns: Veliko T∂rnovo, Lovec, Trojan, and Teteven. The language areas of these towns are situated in the eastern, central, and western regions of the central Balkan, and the Veliko T∂rnovo town language terrain marks the borderline between the northeastern and the Balkan dialectal areals. The study is part of a more voluminous research project called The village, the town and language in the Lovec region.' The Veliko T∂rnovo dialect is also presented as part of monograph (Bajchev and Videnov 1988: 383). Traditional as well as modern means and methodological approaches were used in this study: recordings by aural impression, as well as by sound and video cassette recorder equipment. After the transcribing of the language (speech) corpora, excerpts of approximately 500 to 1000 monophones were then studied. The linguistic analysis of each informer was carried out completely-the phonetic, morphological, syntactic, and certain aspects of the lexical phenomena were all observed. The overall picture of the town dialects is summarized in the conclusions.

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