
Fishing in the area of Cachoeira de Emas dates from the aboriginal Painguás who inhabited its margins. The socioeconomic conditions of the fishers and fishing are described, derived from personal interviews with 33 fishers. Their mean age is 48.6 years and they have been fishing on average for 24.2 years. The monthly total raw income is US$ 575.52 and the raw income just from fishing is of US$ 239.64 per fisher. Most of them (66.6%) have only incomplete primary and junior education. The main capture species are curimba Prochilodus lineatus, piapara Leporinus obtusidens, dourado Salminus brasiliensis, mandi Pimelodus maculatus, Pimelodus heraldoi and lambari (genus Astyanax and Roeboides). Fishers capture an average of 19.9 kg of fish per day. The total average raw income just calculated from the interviews is very high when compared with other places in Brazil and in the world, and above the poverty line as defined by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation. So we may conclude there these fishers are not the poorest in society.

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