
Introduction: Abortion in Bangladesh is illegal under most situations, but menstrual regulation is often used as a substitute. Abortion can be legally performed by a physician in a hospital if it is necessary to save the life of the mother. A person, who performs an abortion under any other circumstances, including a woman who self-aborts, can be punished by a fine and imprisonment under law in many countries, including Bangladesh. While there are some countries that allow legal abortion, the ratio of such countries are quite low. Despite the risk of punishment, Bangladesh still sees an absurd number of abortions, both legal and illegal, per year. The present study was conducted to understand if any socio-demographic factors influence such decision-making process. The aim of the study was to assess the socio- demographic characteristics that may influence abortion among pregnant women. Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted at the Department of Gynecology, Gonoshasthaya Nagar Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh during the period of January 2018 to December 2018. Informed consent taken from all the study participants. SPSS software used for data analysis. Result: Most of the respondents (43.75%) were below 25 years of age and (15.0%) were above 35 years of age. Respondents’ education status was primary level (33.8%) and SSC level (35.0%). Among the 107 married participants, husband’s education was upto primary level in 45.79%, SSC in 33.64%, HSC in 4.67% and degree and above in 14.95%. Respondent’s monthly family incomes were 10% below 3000 Taka and 20% above 14000 Taka. 33.13% were unmarried, 51.25% were married and 15.62% were divorced. Among the 107 who were married, 79.44% were under 18 years of age at the time of marriage, 10.28% were between the age of 18-25 years, and the remaining 11 were over 25 years of age at time of marriage. Majority of abortions occurred in 1st trimester. About 75% of the abortions happened within <13 weeks of pregnancy,

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