
PARIS Academy of Sciences, December 10 (C.R., 199, 1345–1463). WALTER M. ELSASSER: Forces and nuclear linkages. JOSEPH LAISSUS: The cementation of ferrous alloys by beryllium. Cementation by beryllium increases the superficial hardness of ferrous alloys, reduces the oxidation at high temperatures and increases the resistance to corrosion. JEAN COURNOT and MARCEL CHAUSSAIN: Study of the influence of the mode of immersion of the test-pieces in corrosion experiments. JACQUES LEFOL: The hydrates of calcium aluminates, sulphoaluminate and chloroaluminate. SHINICHI KLKUCHI: Lithium cobaltinitrite. The preparation and properties of lithium cobaltinitrite, Li3Co(NO2)6.8 H2O. PIERRE DUBOIS: The hydrate and allotropic varieties of manganese sesquioxide. C. ZENGHELIS and SIMON EVANGELIDES: The action of the silent discharge on nitric oxide (NO). The first phase of the reaction gives nitrogen (partly in the active form) and oxygen with some ozone. Subsequent recombination gives nitrogen peroxide and nitrogen pentoxide. SEBASTIEN SABETAY: A rapid method for the determination of primary and secondary alcohols in essential oils. The method is based on acetylation with acetic anhydride using orthophosphoric acid as catalyst. PIERRE CARRE and DAVID LIBERMANN: The preparation of acid chlorides by means of thionyl chloride. Pyridine facilitates the reaction between thionyl chloride and certain organic acids and allows the preparation of some acid chlorides not formed in the absence of pyridine. FERNAND KAYSER: The two 1, 2-diphenyl-1-propanols and the two 1, 2-diphenyl-l-butanols, dia-stereoisomers. G. DARZENS and ANDRE LEVY: The synthesis of a tertiarybutyl-methyltetrahydrona-phthalenic acid and of the corresponding butyl-methylnaphthalene. JOSEPH HOCH: The preparation of the A-substituted imines of the fatty ketones. ARNALDO PERES DE CARVALHO: A y-pyran of simple function, 2, 4, 4, 6-tetraphenylpyran. MARCEL FREREJACQUE: The mechanism of the autoxidation of uric acid. ANDRE DEMAY: The southern edge of the granite-gneiss massif of Segala. ROBERT LAF-FITTE: The stratigraphical limits of the Senonian in eastern Aures (Algeria). G. GRENET and J. COULOMB: New forms of electromagnetic seismographs. V. FROLOW: The propagation of the elementary components in the Yugoslav basin of the Danube. PIERRE DANGEARD: The structure and evolution of the nuclei with chromocentres. HENRI ERHART: The influence of the pedological origin of seeds in the culture of cereals. RENE MORICARD: Study of the modifications of the Golgi zone of the periovocy-tary cells in their relations with the development of the ovocyte and of the release of the precessive maturation mitosis of ovulation and of the formation of the yellow body in the rabbit. A. PAILLOT: Cytological and organic modifications brought about in aphids by parasitic Hymenoptera. MAURICE FONTAINE: The relation between the ossification of the skeleton and of the state of the blood calcium in fish. PH. LASSEUR and M. A. RENAUX: The agglutination of various bacteria by lemon juice. The facts cited suggest that the agglutination is caused by the hydrogen ions rather than by an antibody. GASTON RAMON, REMY RICHOU and MILOUTINE DJOURICHITCH: ‘General’ and ‘local’ antitoxic immunity. Experiments showing that the idea of a Continued from p. 79.

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