
Community Service is one of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, especially at Garut University, it is hoped that with this community service the existence of universities can contribute to the development of scientific application to the community. Efforts to protect the surrounding environment must start from oneself by doing small things, educating students about environmental problems due to landfills is needed to raise students' awareness so that they are more concerned with the surrounding environment. Active participation of students can be done in a culture of disposing of waste in its place. However, because of the many categories of waste that exist, it is necessary to educate students about the types of waste, namely; organic, inorganic and B3 waste (hazardous and toxic materials) and their handling.This community service activity method uses the method of delivering socialization material with counseling techniques, questions and answers, quizzes, and by adding games. The results of the research carried out were able to make students leave the old way of just throwing garbage away, but also provide education and familiarize students to sort, select, and categorize waste as well as develop a waste bank so that it has economic value. If this is done, the practice of processing and utilizing waste becomes a real step in managing waste.


  • Garbage is a waste product from human activities which contains various toxic materials such as heavy metals, insecticides (Pandebesie et al, 2019; Sarli et al, 2107)

  • These small habits will later be transmitted within the family and the surrounding community which allows reducing environmental problems caused by waste providing socialization of understanding to be able to distinguish organic, inorganic and B3 waste for a brighter future

  • The method used in the implementation of community service activities is socialization with counseling techniques in the form of lectures or presenting material in the form of theories and animated videos related to waste sorting, questions and answers, creations, and games, including:

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Garbage is a waste product from human activities which contains various toxic materials such as heavy metals, insecticides (Pandebesie et al, 2019; Sarli et al, 2107). The practice of processing and utilizing waste becomes a real step in managing waste These small habits will later be transmitted in the family and the surrounding community which allows reducing environmental problems caused by waste. Several things the team did in this community service activity were teaching students to be able to process and utilize waste which is a real step in managing waste These small habits will later be transmitted within the family and the surrounding community which allows reducing environmental problems caused by waste providing socialization of understanding to be able to distinguish organic, inorganic and B3 waste for a brighter future

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