
Our objective is to explain critically the possibility of direct participation of researchers and respondents in the development of information technology (IT)-based social entrepreneurship projects at a further education and training (FET) college in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. We use concepts of innovative social practice, risk-taking, the motivation of entrepreneurs and the creation of social value ( Dees, 2001 ; Smith, Barr, Barbosa & Kickul, 2008 ; Trexler, 2008) . We use these ideas to inform our methodology of action research and participatory involvement of researchers to locate our work in both theory and practice ( Bornstein & Davis, 2010 ; Kemmis, 2008 ; Reason & Bradbury, 2008 ; Stringer, 2007 ). We use Stringer's (2007) community-based participatory research model which includes three major stages: looking, thinking and acting while observation and reflection are processes that occur in the evolution of each stage. The need to work collaboratively with the participants and to build a network of relationships to improve the economic and social lives of individuals and communities is central to our approach. The data collected in the research were arranged in themes using the sustainable livelihoods framework. Our findings demonstrate how the development of social enterprises can be contextualised to provide a greater understanding of the challenges faced by marginalised communities in terms of developing enterprises and the actions necessary for creating value from this research. Of the two important outcomes, the first was the formation of a cooperative called Xumana-IT by the participants and the researchers. The second outcome involved the development of a model for developing social entrepreneurship at FET colleges. The research outcomes show first how the involvement of non-profit and non-governmental organisations together with for-profit social enterprises in South African regions can be brought together for collaborative effort. Second, we show how FE institutions could become centres of social entrepreneurship in both urban and rural areas to support marginalised communities using a ‘socially-involved’ approach. They could be supported by universities by way of curriculum development for social entrepreneurship since there is nothing currently available. Third, the value of our research is in the demonstration of the value of entrepreneurial activism through research-based activity which enables enquiry and action to combine critically to open up new routes to entrepreneurship research.

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