
Social welfare of workers in the field of professional protection is discussed in the article; on the basis ofscientific research it was found that in the result of the military aggression of the Russian Federation, the full-fledgedsocial protection of people of certain professions, employees of civil defense bodies and units and their families, inparticular, remained under threat. The forms of social welfare for certain categories of citizens defined by theConstitution of Ukraine have been revealed. A list and brief description (according to main target groups, scope ofregulation, purpose of adoption, significance and relevance) of the main acts of current legislation in the field of socialprotection and social security of target groups is provided. The Articles of Chapter X of "Social and legal protectionof the rank and file members of the civil protection service, employees of administrative bodies and civil protectionforces, and persons dismissed from the civil protection service" of the Civil Protection Code of Ukraine have beencommented on. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature and consideration of the articles X of the Civil DefenseCode of Ukraine, it has been proven that the state takes care of the social welfare of the rank and file members of thecivil defense service and their family members, providing assistance in matters of rehabilitation, housing, vacation,monetary assistance, etc. It is noted that one of the defining elements in the regulation of public relations in the socialsphere is the compliance with the principle of proportionality between the social protection of citizens and the financialcapabilities of the state, as well as guaranteeing the right of everyone to a sufficient standard of living.

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