
At the beginning of the 21st century, we are now for a couple of years in the social media era, where we are confronting with a lot of applications and tools, easy to use, friendlier, free to use, easy to (re)build. No matter on which kind of activities we intend to spend time, there are plenty of similar applications with similar functionalities. Accordingly, the decision which of them to use is sometimes very difficult to take and, not less importantly, timeconsuming. More than that, people in the 21st century live in a technology and media-suffused environment, marked by various characteristics, including: access to an abundance of information, rapid changes in technology tools and services. In order to be effective in the 21st century, there are plenty of almost unknown applications for the large mass of Internet users that can be useful for different types of activities and/or purposes. Accordingly, through this paper, we intend to offer some insightful help for social media users in order to be able to organize their information, activities and work, to become more productive and to avoid wasting their time. More than that, in this paper, we intend to present both positive aspects of different technologies which could be used for specific purposes or activities, without ignoring, however, some lesser-known facets and recommended, yet equally important, but they must be aware to take them into account.

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