
The article deals with territorial links of the expectancy of the forthcoming life on the aggregate of regions of the Russian Federation with 57 socio-economic phenomena. Phenomena belong to the 8 thematic groups. To identify the social characteristics of the regions of the Russian Federation, the variability of which is most closely related to the variability of life expectancy, the package of programs “Stochastic modeling” was used. It has been established that the life expectancy depends to the greatest extent on the prevalence of crimes against the person, certain infectious and parasitic diseases, abortions, on the level of knowledge of schoolchildren in mathematics and the Russian language, on the level of influence of traditional confessions, on the prevalence of worldview phenomena that are a deviation from traditional religiosity. Factors determining the lowered life expectancy in the Baikal region are identified. The Baikal region is characterized by an increased level of violent crime, an increased number of abortions, a lower level of knowledge of schoolchildren in mathematics and the Russian language, and a lower influence of traditional confessions. These characteristics are reliably combined on the aggregate of regions of the Russian Federation with a reduced life expectancy.

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