
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought significant transformations in various social processes aspects of Indonesia. Prior to the pandemic, face-to-face interactions in physical spaces were the norm in most social processes. With the onset of Covid-19, a shift towards virtual platforms has become prevalent. This research focuses on the transformation of the learning process in Indonesia from classrooms to online learning environments. The virtual learning process from home requires access to essential facilities and supportive guidance from teachers or mentors. The concern addressed in this paper is the emergence of social polarization in terms of equality, justice, and inclusion. While some community groups have access to the necessary resources and can participate in online learning, others face barriers and are unable to do so. To analyze, researchers adopt a conceptual framework emphasizing social equality, justice, and inclusion, all of which underscore the importance of providing equal opportunities for all citizens to exercise their educational rights. The research approach is qualitative, involving a review of scholarly literature on equality, justice, and inclusion. This study concludes that not all students have access to the internet, electricity, and devices. This has an impact on the occurrence of inequality in the educational process.

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