
Field experiments were conducted in 1989 and 1990 to evaluate seasonal effects of herbicide application, smutgrass (Sporobolus indicus) growth stage, and herbicide rate on smutgrass control. The experimental design was a split–split plot, with season (late spring, midsummer, and fall) as the whole plot, physiological stage at application (uncut, 15-, and 30-cm regrowth) the subplot, and hexazinone rate (0.0, 0.56, 0.84, and 1.12 kg ai/ha) as the sub-subplot treatment. Whole plots were arranged in three randomized complete blocks. Smutgrass control for the mean of the hexazinone treatments (1989 and 1990) was 95%. Application of 0.56 kg/ha hexazinone during late spring, midsummer, and fall seasons provided 77, 92, and 92% smutgrass control, respectively. Generally, the influence of plant stage at time of hexazinone application had no effect (P > 0.05) on smutgrass control. At 20 d after treatment (DAT), hexazinone had injured bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum) plants by yellowing them, but the plants reverted to their usual dark green color by 40 DAT. Total nonstructural carbohydrates were lower for the 30-cm regrowth than for the uncut plants, regardless of season; however, 30-cm regrowth had little effect on smutgrass control.

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