
With the aim of protecting minors, the World Health Organization has recommended classifying films with smoking scenes as unsuitable for children and adolescents. In recent years, films have increasingly been viewed via video streaming services - a trend which has been intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic - which poses new challenges for the protection of minors. To examine the frequency of smoking scenes in Netflix feature films and the age recommendations for Netflix productions with smoking scenes. A total of 235 films that were made available for streaming exclusively by the Netflix platform in 2021 and 2022 were content coded in order to find out (1) how high the proportion of smoke-free films was in this film sample, (2) how often smoking scenes occurred in these films and (3) the proportion of films with smoke scenes classified as appropriate for young people in Germany and the USA. All films with an age rating of under 16 were considered suitable for children and young people. Smoking scenes occurred in 113 of 235 analyzed films (48.1%). Of the 113 films with smoking scenes, 57 (50.4%) in Germany and 26 films (23.0%) in the USA were classified as youth films (p<0.001). A total of 3,310 smoking scenes were registered. Of these, 39.4% (n=1,303) were in films with youth ratings in Germany, and in Netflix USA this proportion was 15.8% (n=524). Smoking scenes are a common feature in Netflix movies. Neither in the US nor in Germany does Netflix adhere to the recommendations of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control to restrict access by young people to films depicting smoking. However, the protection of minors in the US is better than in Germany, since half of the Netflix films with smoking scenes in Germany were rated as suitable for minors, in the USA less than a quarter.

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