
Smoking is known as a major risk factor for different types of cancer, as well as cardiovascular disease. Its prevalence is increasing in developing countries. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of smoking and its associated factors among the population aged 40-64 years in the city of Shahroud which is a representative urban population in Iran. A cross-sectional population-based study with stratified random cluster sampling was conducted in 2009 as the first phase of Shahroud Eye Cohort Study. Of 6,311 people, 5,190 participated (82.2%). Information about smoking habit was obtained by face-to- face interview. The overall prevalence of current tobacco smoking was 11.3% (95%CI: 10.5-12.3). It was significantly higher among males than females (25.7% and 0.71%, P<0.001). The prevalence of current cigarette smoking was 10.8% and 1.75% were past smokers. The smoking rate of water-pipe was 0.67%. Unemployed people smoked more than employed (OR=2.66, 95%CI: 1.38-5.14). The prevalence of smoking is low in Shahroud compared with other parts of Iran and other countries. Age, sex, job and marital status were associated with smoking. The low smoking rate among women may be attributed to cultural and social reasons.


  • In 2008, Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) was account for 63% of a total of 57 million deaths JOREDOO\ 2XW RI WKH ÀJXUH PLOOLRQV ZHUH DWWULEXWHG to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancers and chronic respiratory diseases (WHO, 2011)

  • The highest prevalence of current cigarette smoking was in XQHPSOR\HG UHVSRQGHQWV 7KH SUHYDOHQFH RI smoking increased from 5.39% in illiterate people to LQFROOHJHHGXFDWHGSHRSOH,QWRWDOWKHSUHYDOHQFH RI FXUUHQW ZDWHUSLSH XVHUV ZDV &, 0.90), male had higher rates of current water-pipe smoking WKDQ IHPDOH &, YHUVXV (95%CI: 0.16-0.63), (P=0.006)

  • According to the result of our survey, the prevalence of current cigarette smoking in Shahroud was 10.8% PDOH DQG IHPDOH,Q )RWRXKL HW DO (2009) in Tehran reported prevalence of smoking among people aged over 15 years was 11.9%

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In 2008, Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) was account for 63% of a total of 57 million deaths JOREDOO\ 2XW RI WKH ÀJXUH PLOOLRQV ZHUH DWWULEXWHG to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancers and chronic respiratory diseases (WHO, 2011). If current mortality trends continue, it will rise to more than 8 million deaths per year by 2030 (WHO, 2011b). Such deaths are more prevalence in male (15%) than IHPDOH $O 5L\DPL DQG$ÀÀ (]]DWL HW DO 2005). Smoking is known as a major risk factor for different types of cancer, as well as cardiovascular disease. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of smoking and its associated factors among the population aged 40-64 years in the city of Shahroud which is a representative urban population in Iran. Results7KHRYHUDOOSUHYDOHQFHRIFXUUHQWWREDFFRVPRNLQJZDV &, ,WZDV VLJQLÀFDQWO\KLJKHUDPRQJPDOHVWKDQIHPDOHV DQG3 7KHSUHYDOHQFHRIFXUUHQWFLJDUHWWH VPRNLQJZDVDQGZHUHSDVWVPRNHUV7KHVPRNLQJUDWHRIZDWHUSLSHZDV8QHPSOR\HG SHRSOHVPRNHGPRUHWKDQHPSOR\HG 25 &, &RQFOXVLRQV: The prevalence of smoking is low in Shahroud compared with other parts of Iran and other countries. The low smoking rate among women may be attributed to cultural and social reasons

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