
In this article we provide a new finite class of elements in any Coxeter system (W,S) called low elements. They are defined from Brink and Howlett's small roots, which are strongly linked to the automatic structure of (W,S). Our first main result is to show that they form a Garside shadow in (W,S), i.e., they contain S and are closed under join (for the right weak order) and by taking suffixes. These low elements are the key to prove that all finitely generated Artin–Tits groups have a finite Garside family. This result was announced in a note with P. Dehornoy in Comptes rendus mathématiques[9] in which the present article was referred to under the following working title: Monotonicity of dominance-depth on root systems and applications.The proof is based on a fundamental property enjoyed by small roots and which is our second main result; the set of small root is bipodal.For a natural number n, we define similarly n-low elements from n-small roots and conjecture that the set of n-small roots is bipodal, implying the set of n-low elements is a Garside shadow; we prove this conjecture for affine Coxeter groups and Coxeter groups whose graph is labelled by 3 and ∞. To prove the latter, we extend the root poset on positive roots to a weak order on the root system and define a Bruhat order on the root system, and study the paths in those orders in order to establish a criterion to prove bipodality involving only finite dihedral reflection subgroups.

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