
Dr. David Kirby is director of Graduate Enterprise in Wales and senior lecturer in geography at St. David's University College, University of Wales, Lampeter, Wales, United Kingdom. His paper examines the development of interest in small business in the republic of South Africa, starting in the late 1970s. An interest in small business development is in line with trends elsewhere in the world but in the context of South Africa has particular significance. The creation of new firms cannot be left to the white entrepreneur alone, a conclusion which has equal significance for the promotion of enterprise, especially as traditionally entrepreneurship has been perceived as a characteristic of the white population. The implication is that more needs to be done to promote enterprise in the country's black community. It is against this economic and demographic background that attempts are being made to stimulate an enterprise culture. The objective of the paper is to examine the strategy which has been devised to bring about this development and the promotion of small firms in the economy.

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