
The small crack effect was investigated in two high‐strength aluminium alloys: 7075‐T6 bare and LC9cs clad alloy. Both experimental and analytical investigations were conducted to study crack initiation and growth of small cracks. In the experimental program, fatigue tests, small crack and large crack tests were conducted under constant amplitude and Mini‐TWIST spectrum loading conditions. A pronounced small crack effect was observed in both materials, especially for the negative stress ratios. For all loading conditions, most of the fatigue life of the SENT specimens was shown to be crack propagation from initial material defects or from the cladding layer. In the analysis program, three‐dimensional finite element and weight function methods were used to determine stress intensity factors and to develop SIF equations for surface and corner cracks at the notch in the SENT specimens. A plasticity‐induced crack‐closure model was used to correlate small and large crack data, and to make fatigue life predictions. Predicted crack‐growth rates and fatigue lives agreed well with experiments. A total fatigue life prediction method for the aluminium alloys was developed and demonstrated using the crack‐closure model.

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