
Here we address the question of whether the presence of the burrowing crabs Chasmagnathus granulatus affects small- and large-scale habitat use by migrant shorebirds. This crab is the dominant species in soft bare sediments and vegetated intertidal areas along the SW Atlantic estuaries (southern Brazil 28°S to the northern Argentinean Patagonia 42°S). They generate very extensive burrow beds in soft bottom intertidal areas. Our information shows that this burrowing crab affects the small-scale habitat use by shorebirds, given that shorebirds never walk through the funnel-shaped entrances of burrows. Given that crab burrow entrances occupy up to 40% of the intertidal area, there is a large decrease of available shorebird habitat in crab beds, restricting their activity to the spaces between the burrows. The southern migratory shorebird Charadrius falklandicus maximize the use of these areas by foraging closer to the burrows than the other bird species. Neotropical migrants, such as Calidris fuscicollis, Pluvialis squatarola and Tringa melanoleuca, used foraging paths that tended to maximize the distance from burrows, especially the distance to larger burrows. A field experiment showed that this was not necessarily due to a decrease in the availability of polychaetes near the crab burrows. A combination of landscape measurements and satellite images showed that crab beds covered up to 40% of the intertidal area of the Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon (37°40′S, Argentina), and nearly 100% of the intertidal area of the Bahia Blanca estuary (38°48′–39°25′S, Argentina). These two estuaries are located along the migratory flyway of Neotropical migratory shorebirds, but the Bahia Blanca estuary (area∼110,000 ha) shows a much lower shorebird diversity than Mar Chiquita (area∼4500 ha). The most common species in Bahia Blanca is the two-banded plover C. falklandicus, the species least affected by crabs at Mar Chiquita and which prefers to use high-density crab areas as foraging sites. The oystercatcher Haematopus palliatus was also most abundant in high-density crab areas, but they used these areas for resting. The abundances of preys varied during the study period and between the crab density areas, indicating that the use of these areas by birds is independent of crab density. However, burrowing crabs affect the depth distribution of polychaete and thus their availability to shorebirds. We suggest that this shorebirds–burrowing organism interaction could be generalized for other intertidal estuarine habitats.

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