The paper presents an application of sliding mode controller and Kalman Filter (KFSMC) in speed control of pulse-width-modulation direct torque controlled induction motor drive. The performance of the direct torque control (DTC) is degraded by the uncertainty of stator resistance. In order to increase the robustness of the controlled system to the uncertainty, a sliding mode controller (SMC) is utilized to replace the proportional-integral (PI) speed controller in the conventional DTC drive structure. Computation of SMC requires estimation of load, and Kalman Filter is integrated to reduce noise in load estimation and chattering phenomenon in speed response. Simulations are carried out at different reference speeds in a wide range of noises of stator resistance. Indices including ITAE, settling time, overshoot, and undershoot are employed to compare the performance of drive structures. Results confirmed the desired characteristics of the proposed drive structure.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properly cited.
High-performance vector control (VC) strategy in induction motor (IM) drives [1]-[3] can be replaced with pulse-width-modulation (PWM) integrated direct torque control (DTC) strategy [4]-[6]
In order to achieve total robustness in VC of IM motion control system, a sliding-mode based component is added to take into account disturbances and uncertainties [27]
In the paper, integral sliding mode controller (SMC) technique [25] is chosen to design control signal of DTC-IM drive for robustness to high uncertainty of stator resistance
High-performance vector control (VC) strategy in induction motor (IM) drives [1]-[3] can be replaced with pulse-width-modulation (PWM) integrated direct torque control (DTC) strategy [4]-[6]. In order to deal with parameter uncertainty and system disturbances in IM drives, robust control techniques can be selected [15]-[18]. One particular method to robust controller design is the sliding mode control (SMC) technique [19]. In order to achieve total robustness in VC of IM motion control system, a sliding-mode based component is added to take into account disturbances and uncertainties [27]. In the paper, integral SMC technique [25] is chosen to design control signal of DTC-IM drive for robustness to high uncertainty of stator resistance. In order to ensure boundary condition of system's Lyapunov stability and reduce chattering-phenomenon, a load estimation method based on dynamic equation of rotational motion and Kalman lter [6] is utilized.
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