
AbstractThe calcific protoecia of cyclostome bryozoans have remarkably uniform skeletal ultrastructure in three suborders (Tubuliporina, Cancellata and Rectangulata). The basal wall or floor has a fine outer granular layer succeeded by planar spherulitic fabric, internally lined by irregular semi‐nacre. The roof of the disc comprises an outer granular layer with an inner lining of semi‐nacre continuous with that of the floor; planar spherulitic fabric is absent. Growth of the floor of the disc is initiated around the circular outer rim and continues centripetally to the centre; the inner lining has no prevailing growth direction. The gently domed roof also initiates around the outer rim, and grows in strips, which grow toward the centre, then distally toward the distal tube of the ancestrula which has a fully adult ultrastructure. Protoecia] ultrastructure is independent of adult ultrastructure. The uniformity of skeletal ultrastructure in cyclostomes corresponds with the close similarity of larvae and post‐settlement metamorphosis in the order. The fabric suite of the protoecium resembles the skeletal ultrastructure of Palaeozoic stenolaemates. The primitive fabric condition is retained by some tubuliporines and cancellates. Complex multilayered fabric suites may have evolved in the Mesozoic by addition of new fabric types.

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