
The choice of business location will affect the risks and benefits of the company as a whole. This condition occurs because the location greatly affects the fixed costs and variable costs, both in the medium term and long term. The location of the business should be taken into account at the time of planning, so that the business to be run can be organized implementation in the future. Online Bicycle Indonesia is a startup engaged in goods and food delivery services by using online-based bike, will open branches in several cities and districts in Tangerang Raya area so that the result of choosing the right branch location, required a dynamic decision support system that can later be used as consideration of managers in the process of selecting branch locations. Problems in selecting branch of this company can be used Decision Support System using AHP-TOPSIS method. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method has advantages based on pair comparison matrix and perform consistency analysis, while Technique For Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method can solve practical decision making, because the concept is simple and easy to understand, and have the ability to measure the relative performance of decision alternatives. The results of the study show Kota Tangerang Selatan is superior to the weight of 0.824, the two Kota Tangerang with a weight of 0.732 and three Kabupaten Tangerang with a weight of 0.0, The decision taken can be accounted for by the calculation of AHP-TOPSIS as a model in the decision support system


  • Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method can solve practical decision making, because the concept is simple and easy to understand, and have the ability to measure the relative performance of decision alternatives

  • The results of the study show Kota Tangerang Selatan is superior to the weight of 0.824, the two Kota Tangerang with a weight of 0.732 and three Kabupaten Tangerang with a weight of 0.0, The decision taken can be accounted for by the calculation of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)-TOPSIS as a model in the decision support system

  • In 5th International conference „Economics and Management-based On New Technologies “EMONT/Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia (pp. 33-40)

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Pemilihan lokasi usaha oleh suatu organisasi (perusahaan) akan mempengaruhi risiko (risk) dan keuntungan (profit) perusahaan tersebut secara keseluruhan. Masalah pada penelitian ini adalah adanya kesulitan bagi perusahaan dalam menentukan lokasi yang tepat untuk pendirian warnet yang sesuai dengan keinginan perusahaan. 2. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Jiaqin Yang dan Huei Lee dengan Judul “An AHP decision model for facility location selection” masalah dalam penelitian ini perusahaan mengalami kesulitan dalam menentukan lokasi fasilitas baru atau relokasi fasilitas yang ada. Masalah dalam penelitian ini perusahaan akan menentukan lokasi yang paling sesuai untuk melakukan studi pencemaran timbal, studi kasus yang melibatkan evaluasi enam wilayah pertambangan dan peleburan di seluruh Australia, Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa menemukan lokasi yang paling sesuai di antara enam alternatif untuk melakukan studi pencemaran timbal berdasarkan kriteria seleksi yang telah ditetapkan, yang menggabungkan dua metode pengambilan keputusan. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah AHP-TOPSIS [5]

Uji Batas Ketidak Konsistenan yang Diterapkan oleh Saaty
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Mengidentifikasi Solusi Ideal Positif dan Solusi Ideal Negatif
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