
The city of Pekalongan is located on a low land, so there is a potential for floods every year. The 
 efforts of the Pekalongan City government in overcoming floods are in the for m of making 
 embankments, adding mangrove forests or through educating the community in protecting the 
 environment. One of the existing problems is how to present data and information on flood area 
 mapping and education to the community so that it can reduce existing victims. This research uses 
 the Research and Development method, namely by collecting data on flood events, flood areas and 
 flood impacts, evacuation facilities, public facilities and health and other support. From the results 
 of the research carried out, it produces a geographic information system for web -based flood 
 disaster mitigation and education where with this website it can be seen that flood and flood -prone 
 areas, evacuation facilities, public facilities so that in the event of a flood d isaster can be given 
 assistance quickly and precisely as needed, In addition, educational facilities are also produced to 
 provide information and the impact of flooding. The purpose of this research is to help the 
 Pekalongan city government in mitigating, educating and taking preventive action in dealing with 
 flood disasters.
 Keywords: Flood area, website, mitigation, education, Pekalongan City


  • Pekalongan adalah sebuah kota yang terletak di pantai utara Pulau Jawa di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, terdiri dari 4 kecamatan (Pekalongan, 2019) yaitu Kecamatan Pekalongan Barat, Pekalongan Timur, Pekalongan Utara dan Pekalongan Selatan, dan 27 kelurahan

  • The city of Pekalongan is located on a low land, so there is a potential for floods every year

  • The efforts of the Pekalongan City government in overcoming floods are in the form of making embankments, adding mangrove forests or through educating the community in protecting the environment

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Pekalongan adalah sebuah kota yang terletak di pantai utara Pulau Jawa di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, terdiri dari 4 kecamatan (Pekalongan, 2019) yaitu Kecamatan Pekalongan Barat, Pekalongan Timur, Pekalongan Utara dan Pekalongan Selatan, dan 27 kelurahan. SISTEM INFORMASI GEOGRAFIS EDUKASI DAN MITIGASI BENCANA BANJIR UNTUK SIAGA BENCANA DI KOTA PEKALONGAN Sistem informasi berupa website ini, berisi pemetaan wilayah banjir, edukasi meliputi pemberian pengetahuan tentang lingkungan dan cara hidup yang ramah lingkungan untuk pencegahan banjir.

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