
I am commanded by the King's Proclamation, to enforce and recommend to you the indispensable Obligations you lye under, of becoming a sober and religious People. It is the Interest of Princes, to make their Subjects virtuous; for by the means the End of all Laws may be answer'd, with- [A 2–4] out having recourse to severities. The Design of all human Laws is, To secure Property, to oblige Men out of fear of Penalties, to live honestly and justly, and to honour and obey their Superiors. But these can restrain no further, than the Fear and Danger of being discovered can make Impressions upon us; whereas if Men were really virtuous and good, there would be no occasion for Penalties to awe them; for no Privacy or Security whatsoever can tempt a good Man to do the least Injustice to any one, much less Acts of Violence and Oppression. As for what concerns a future State, that being properly the business of the Clergy, I will not invade their Province. But since so many of them are graciously pleased to honour this Court, and are ready upon all occasions to assist us; I will beg leave for once to take a Text out of the Bible, to be the Foundation of my following Discourse. When thou takest any matter in hand, consider the End thereof, and thou shalt never do amiss. Though upon Second Thoughts I find I had no Occasion to ask this Favour, since we have the Remark of an old Lawyer much to the same Purpose: That a wise Man begins all his Actions from the End. To illustrate this by Example. Did but Men consider the unhealthfulness, Poverty, and other ill Consequences that necessarily attend Drunkenness, they wou'd [5] not so often put their Hands with full Glasses to their Mouths. The Stat. of King James the First against this detestable Sin of Drunkenness, is very properly for your Perusal.

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